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A brief history of story telling... maybe...

Inspiration knows no boundaries. It can come from anywhere and hit you. A tiny pat on the back might not make you cross over the bridge, but a smack across your arm will make you lunge for that one thing you desire. 

Sometimes, you have a really well articulated idea, demanding narration and publicity. But mostly, you only hear whispers. Like small wisps of imagination, these whispers take nurturing and constant attention to grow into the stories they become. However, before they become stories, they go through 'growing up' just as we do. The infant with a hint of greatness ahead but lacking in communication. Anything you write at this stage, feels inadequate and raw. 

Keep trying and your story grows into a smart child. Petulant maybe, or even stubborn and yet imaginative with an insatiable curiosity. This is the most imaginative part of the idea but with no anchors and unconstrained wanderings. At this point your story seems to move in multiple directions with no definitive conclusion. You pen down paragraphs seemingly connected but somehow estranged. 

With divergent strands of thought floating around, we head right into the adolescent phase of our story where it takes an awry turn. Our brain seems to throw tantrums, accepting nothing and rejecting everything. Rules, so far dictating every major decision, seem more enjoyable when pitted against the obstinate wall of rebel. You struggle with expression, caught in its vicious circle, wandering aimlessly and confusedly, tethering yourself to ideas strong but directionless. Despair not, your friends and families residing in the stories, buried in your memories shall pull you through this.

At this point, reach out. Read books, take a break and love yourself for having taking up the challenge of writing your story. If you move forward with determination and love, you will continue on the path of the narrative you are building. But if you let the anger of uncertainty get to you, your story and you, both could be in trouble.

As you grow out of this uncertain and questioning phase, you arrive at a more exploratory phase where a sudden burst of enthusiasm takes over you. You suddenly feel enriched with all the reading you have accomplished. You befriend the characters you had alienated. You make larger than life plans to accomplish fantastic climaxes and aspire extraordinary style of writing. You feel charged to dive right into the re-energised new phase.

Keep marching forward. Time slowly tames the enthusiasm, channels the youthfulness. You start toning down your tone, fine-tune your style as you key down paragraph after paragraph. The phase of experimentation finally yielding a focused path. But there is a bit of self doubt still lingering in the background. So your story may very well be acquiring a delicious flavour, but you are uncertain of putting the dish forward for others to taste yet. 

(Psst... Share it. This is the best time to ask for feedback. Now is when you have the strength to accept criticism and change. Now... later might be too late.)

Hard work, vigour and lugging the baggage, you arrive at the most confident phase of your story-life. Possessing the right amount of maturity, and yet still crispy, keeping the lull at bay. And you! You now you exude something better than just confidence. Chutzpah! Self confidence brimming to turn into audacity at the drop of a hat. Let the tumbler tilt. Pour just a drop or two of that overflowing passion into your words. But do not go overboard, for the stories shall reek of arrogance rather than smartness.

Following the long period of gruesome fights between you and your relentless attitude, if you have managed to arrived at this phase, you're probably just about wrapping up your story. You have acquired wisdom, and with this new found soundness, you being editing your words. Removing chunks of meat, written with pure eagerness, but irrelevant. Trimming down the edges, making it sharp and keeping it simple. Adding poetry to the prose, stripping down the details, enhancing the enigma of your characters.

With the last drop of ink, sign off with a flourish you never knew you had in you. 

Enter>> Ctrl+S>>"Final Copy Name">>Publish............ 


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