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I grew up with Tweety...

"I grew up with Tweety. And now there is Twitter. 
Everything is a tweet, whether it be a yellow bird or blue"

As of now, today, we all have opinions about everything.

As we stand and watch the world go by, we point our little fingers at 'everything in our view', say a word or two with intense passion and then on approach of another 'thing in view' forget our previous temperament and move on to passionately support the next big thing.

I am currently sitting in my office and reading various articles and forming my opinions as I read. Throughout the day, I appreciate certain things and condemn most that come along. How conveniently does one move from one subject to another is probably accredited to our unlimited access to information and the ability to publicly broadcast our emotions without processing it.

This is not an article denouncing the entire system of sharing, broadcasting or in today's world 'tweeting' our thoughts. We as the 'communicative' beings that we are, are entitled to share whatever we want without knowing the want of others. As long as your thoughts are tolerable and just 'your' point of view on matters you feel important, they can take any form. A public tweet, explanatory blog (as I write now), well-articulated article in print media or just a page in your diary only you read, all are acceptable as long as they do not harm anyone else.

But as of now, today, I read so many articles on the internet that encourage violence, war, derogatory comments on people and incidents we don't know enough of.

I'm not innocent myself. I have also commented on things that I do not like, or reacted to views I'm against. However, I like to limit myself to books, art, performances and other various forms of expression which invokes a thought and demands a conversation from its audience. I often share on social media articles and thoughts pertaining to campaigns I believe in and quite vocal about certain personal beliefs of mine. But in doing all this I try to maintain a certain level of inconspicuousness.

When a certain tragic moment spurs up the social media, I bury myself in my books and remain in the shadows amidst all the posts of vehemence. And this is not because, I lack the feeling, only because since I do not know the whole story, i choose to not comment and grieve in my own silent moments without announcing to the world.

Today of all days, I decide to write what I feel, because I read so many articles, blogs, reports, tweets, posts, messages trying to promote a certain behavior expected of a certain group of people. I shall not publicly declare the point of dialogue, I feel so strongly about, but leave it to the imagination of my readers and you may apply it to whatever context you most associate to this. All I wish to voice, though its just my personal opinion, is we should leave some events and incidents to the larger realm as we do not know enough to comment on the feelings of others. Some incidents are not meant to be commented upon publicly as it unleashes the inner demons of all things human and leads to an overall cloud of negativity.

All said and done, this is 'my' point of view. So please feel free to keep sharing, tweeting and posting your thoughts, for your thoughts are what makes you, you.

Anyway, as Jane Austen says...
"One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other."


  1. Agree to most of it..well put!

  2. I think I know what you're talking about (my imagination) and I agree. ���� People talk without understanding the entire sequence of events or consequences. It's sad - this ignorance - from the most unexpected

    1. Ignorant and mis-informed is the worst state to be in to comment on any matters.

  3. Very well written.. well that's just 'my' point of view...


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