Have you ever felt a rush of blood to your head; your mind exploding with ideas and stories; products waiting to make that leap from your head to the physical realm?? If yes, then why do you not make them, write that story, build your idea? Everyday my faithful phone rings at 06:15 a.m. sharp, finding me in my slumber, without fail. Everyday i promise myself, i will wake up earlier than the alarm i set. Everyday I walk to the station towards a work that pays my bill, but in my head somedays i'm dancing, other days i'm writing stories, days when i actually feel closer to the book i'm reading than the people around me. And in-spite of this the day moves on, without a flinch. As the day runs, so does my ability to focus on the work (the one that pays my bill!). Somewhere down the long road, i pullover and set my car on the edge. I look back. I imagine choreographing a song, re-write the plot of the book i just finished. I create. In the simple house of my mind where i...
So much goes through our head while we sit and stare at our computer screens.... i choose to pen.. well actually "key" them down.